Have you made your genealogical New Year’s Resolutions?

30 December 2013

I have never been a great one for making resolutions of any kind at any juncture. However, New Year is certainly a good time to look back at what you have done in the last twelve months and consider if you want to continue in the same manner for the next twelve.

Do you want to be in the same job this time next year, or is it time for change? Do you want to still be searching for a certain character in your ancestry, or would you really like to crack the puzzle? Some brick walls are built solidly on concrete foundations but some are less sturdy – like my fence posts/panels were in the recent gales! Let’s see lots of brick walls smashed down in 2014….

Can anyone find Timothy Kitcher born around 1834, married on 30 December 1854 in St Luke’s Church, Sway, Hampshire to Sarah Baker…. where is he in – or after – 1861?

Eleanor Bird gave birth to William Henry Bird on 5 August 1861 in Exeter – whatever happened to her after William Henry’s birth?

B1861 S WilliamHenry Smith(Bird)

I am sure we all have a fair few brick walls just waiting to be smashed down next year – make a list and keep chipping away at them. Ask fellow researchers too! A second pair of eyes always comes in useful.

Good luck and best wishes for the New Year!

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