Saturday: family history in Asia

7 June 2014

Did your ancestors go adventuring? The thrill of the unknown was irresistible to many people during the nineteenth century. They dreamed of bringing the benefits of ‘civilisation’ to the wider British Empire and sometimes their families went along for the ride.

Did they go East? If you are looking for ancestors in Japan, the AsiaGenWeb Japanese page gives you the opportunity to select a language (Japanese, Spanish or English) and then scroll down the Welcome page to find numerous links to relevant family history connections and people who have transcribed list from immigrant ships:


Britons also went out to India in droves, as traders, planters, soldiers or government officials. Although there was no mass emigration at any one time, our forebears may well have been among the four million who were born, married or died there.The website of the Families in British India Society (FIBIS) gives free online access to the records you’ll need if you decide to research your ancestors who lived or served in the Indian subcontinent from 1600 to 1947.


Their database of transcriptions is an on-going project and the scope continues to grow. Definitely a website to return to once in a while and see what has been added. More on Indian records next week…..

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