Expect the unexpected

14 June 2014

There are hundreds of Rootsweb lists and Facebook groups, bloggers and ‘newsletter’ publishers online. Trying to keep up with Feedly every day is almost impossible…. but it is a very worthwhile daily task as there are so many new collections being made available. You wouldn’t want to miss one!

A short while ago, I was made aware of an online resource – NewspaperSG – of current and historic Singapore and Malaya newspapers. You can search the digital archive of newspapers published between 1831 and 2009.

Thinking about it, I have no family members or one-name name bearers who – to my knowledge – have ever been to Singapore or Malaya, so I was not entirely convinced that these newspapers would be of any use to my research. Doing my usual ‘Sillifant’ search, a staggering 59 hits were returned!

In C Company Gloucestershire Regiment, it would appear that Private Sillifant was an adept bowler in the cricket team, between 1931 and 1932, and also an excellent footballer playing back in various matches. But who was Private Sillifant? No first name is ever reported in the newspapers….. more research required, for sure and just goes to show that it is worth searching any new online source and expect the unexpected!

Today’s Asian genealogy update would not be complete without an attempt to understand The Complicated Chinese Family Tree – a ‘must watch’ four minute YouTube video. Enjoy!

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