The beginning of the end

23 June 2014

And so begins the last week of continental family and local history…. Challenging? Yes. Enlightening? Yes. Better than watching England matches in the World Cup? Definitely, yes!

The problem is, with this being the final European post, what fascinating little snippet of amazing knowledge should we pass on today? So many ideas, so little time. The only way to decide is to write down all the ideas on strips of paper and pull one out of a hat. OK, I confess, it was a bowl.

ResourceDirectoryOut popped FEEFHS. What on earth is that I hear you ask? The Foundation for East European Family History Studies, of course! Founded in 1992 as the Federation of East European Family History Societies, FEEFHS promotes family research in eastern and central Europe. It provides a forum for individuals and organisations focused on a single country or group of people to exchange information and be updated on developments in the field.

The Resource Directory link takes users to a map of the countries covered by the FEEFHS and, like GENUKI in terms of county coverage, the depth of information varies from one country to the next. Nowhere else on the web can I find a more comprehensive directory of resources for East European countries and there are also many ‘related society websites’ listed on the site.

What are you waiting for?…..

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