Housework…. hmm….

28 November 2014

Oh goodness – three and a half hours sleep after my trip to London and a royally hectic day today! As usual, the day kicks off with my weekly networking meeting in Bath (BNI Bath Parade @ 6:30am!) – fabulous start to a Friday and would you believe it? Not one, not two but THREE Kirstys at this morning’s meeting! 

I think that is the key word for the day – meeting. Lots of them and the icing on the cake is that they are all with really enthusiastic clients, which makes the job even more pleasurable (not that I don’t already love my job, because I most certainly do!).

One commission and one completed commission later (plus a smattering of calls and teaching in between), I return to the homestead and consider the current ‘climate’. To say that the house is lacking in tidiness would be a polite way of describing things. It’s a mess and is in rather desperate need of some attention. But then, the fridge magnet reminds me of a rather important fact: A mind is a terrible thing to waste on housework.

This addition to the kitchen was – of course – predominantly purchased to provide an excuse for the untidiness. But this has gone too far. The bridge has been crossed and the time has come to locate the vacuum, duster and other cleaning equipment. Now, I must dispense with the consider amount of paper on the dining room table and return the table to its proper function – the clue is in the title: DINING.

The landing needs to be tamed. The clothes still piled up on the bedroom floor since my return from Canada need to be filed in the appropriate places. The saxophones need space to be aired and played…. and much more.

So, please forgive me folks. I must leave you. I may be away for some time. But upon my return, I hope to inform you of a significant improvement in ‘the homestead situation’.

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