Today, I have made a major realisation which I simply have to share with you all. Nothing is impossible. At FWL, we specialise in finding people. We pride ourselves on a 100% crack rate and more than that, we succeed where others fail (or give up!). Every day we work on tracing beneficiaries in intestate cases (as well as a multitude of other things) – some cases are simple whilst others test our powers of lateral thinking. Who would ever have guessed that on one day, the BV list would present us with FORTY SEVEN new cases – oh my goodness, we were slightly stunned this morning! Plenty of work to go around though….
We’ve had several calls back on cases we have already cracked and documentation has been flying in, along with TWENTY TWO calls on the office phone alone today. Wow – we are popular! Our pièce de résistance this week has to be locating two beneficiaries (male) whose surnames have changed twice since their birth in
the 1980s. It wasn’t so difficult but required that lateral thinking I was talking about earlier on.
Other cases bring up interesting stories and often, challenges. How to prove that a lady born with one surname and living with another surname, though never officially adopted or married, is one in the same person….? We’ll find a way – somehow! Because nothing is impossible as the word itself says ‘I’m possible‘. We are like terriers and we will not let anything go. [So be warned, if we are searching for you and you don’t want to be found – we’ll find you, no matter how hard you try to hide.]