Karma ….

30 January 2015

Dear Karma

2014 was a very odd year for me. What I had always taken for granted and accepted as ‘normal life‘ (whatever that really is), changed in many ways. All of the changes were made by me and were my own choice, though some decisions were significantly influenced by the actions of other people in my personal and genearena.

People are odd folk. I realise that we are not all put on this planet to ‘get along with one another’ and heavens, I know I am not always perfect – far from it! But I know the difference between right and wrong because Ma & Pa FWL brought me up well (don’t tell them that – they’ll only get big-headed). I know how to work independently and also as a team, to lead and be a team player.

NoneedIn 2013, I connected with some amazing people in the geneacommunity and this continued in various pockets of 2014. Karma, you played me a good hand with my geneatravels for sure and I am very grateful for that. But, you know, what I came to fathom out in 2014 is that some people obviously weren’t as lucky as I was. They weren’t taught the difference between right and wrong by their Ma & Pa. In fact, some people don’t seem to even know the difference between fact and fiction. They baffle others with falseness and untruths and think that you – Karma – won’t come back to bite them.

Well, I have to say an enormous thank you to you. Today is my birthday and you have given me possibly the best birthday present ever (sorry to all other gift givers but you will, I am sure, understand). Karma, you have let me watch when those who ‘hurt me’ in 2014 have royally messed up themselves. I have had the best day and your actions have been the ‘icing on the cake’. Thanks to my BNI colleagues @ Bath Parade, my dear friend Wendy, my team @ FWL, the long suffering Mr FWL, my family and friends (and over 100 well wishers on Facebook), I have today been made to feel very special.

Karma, I now class you as a friend. Please send me a friend request on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and I will most certainly return the compliment.

Kindest regards, one very happy MD@FWL.

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