Changing lives

21 April 2015

At networking events, when people ask me what we do at FWL, I say ‘We find people‘. I think I’ll change that to ‘We change people’s lives‘.

A short while ago, someone presented me with a referral to a solicitors in Bristol/South Gloucestershire. Having emailed the contact a few times with no reply, I went back to the ‘refer-ee’ to ask if she could help to connect us. A meeting was scheduled in March with one of the partners and, after due diligence was performed, we took over the tracing/genealogy work on probate, intestate and other matters.

Swiftly, three cases came in and we set to work. One of them was a case which had been sat since 2012, un-cracked. Not the most enormous intestate estate (value-wise) in the world but not to be sniffed at…. We needed to find a lady in her 40’s with a pretty uncommon name but we didn’t know if she had married since birth, been adopted, moved overseas, died, etc. etc.

I confess that I was just a little bit skeptical – was this a test of FWL’s investigative abilities? I thought – yes! But no matter…. we do have a 100% crack rate and, test or not, we are never beaten.

So, we set to work finding the lady in question. Actually, finding her wasn’t a problem at all as she features in various articles online but locating a current address was a little more challenging. So, we set about finding her children – isn’t Facebook a wonderful thing!!? And due to our amazing interpersonal skills – which we won’t divulge so others cannot copy our technique! – I spoke to the beneficiary earlier today. Who was more excited – the beneficiary, us or the solicitor? I am not quite sure….

This is a life changing amount of money for the beneficiary. And, with her birthday in four weeks time, who knows – this year, a special celebration might be in order!

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