The Kings of Stupid Ideas

18 May 2015

Oh good heavens! Today has brought home to me just how many stupid ideas men have had over time. The first of these idiotic concepts is the ‘Big Brother’ idea. What makes you think we want to watch a random assortment of people, thrown into a ludicrously small environment, trying to get along with one another….? Then, to enhance the already bonkers plan, you come up with the ‘inspired idea’ to make them carry out ridiculous tasks in order
to ‘win rewards’. The problem is that the people are so enormously irritating that, within five minutes, most of the ‘normal’ human race have had enough and turned over the channel.

Secondly – and a slightly harder irritation to rid myself of – why would you design a glass/paper/tin recycling bin/receptacle so that the owner has to LIFT it to the end of the drive on collection day? No wheels and a stupidly loose lid which shatters when the temperature is ‘too low’! (see right) …. As soon as you put more than a few glass items in the bin, it’s too heavy to carry.
Crazy design? Absolutely!

And then, there is the corner cupboard. Why, why, why? What is the purpose of this kitchen unit? To irritate me beyond reason? Without some modern contraption to assist with storage and facilitate actual function of this unit, what is the point?

There have been so many fantabulous inventions over the years – by men and women – but some really need reconsidering in the cold light of day, in the 21st century. Please can we rid ourselves of ‘Stupid Street’ creations and bring them into line with the amazing modern technologies we have – like blogging platforms, websites, mobile phones and social networking channels. Seriously, finding people is a tough enough job without these issues to contend with on a daily/weekly basis.

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