That was the week that was

5 June 2015

At the beginning of this week, I was hard at work trying to figure out how to Fedex a parcel from a hotel in Toronto to FTDNA in the USA and now, at the end of the week, I am in the office in the UK (the parcel having been delivered less than 18 hours after collection!) trying to figure out how I have managed to catch up on paperwork in three days!

Successes this week have been quite monumental: (a) We have had our biggest Heir Hunting case to date admitted by the Government Legal Department on behalf of our client – wahoo!…. (b) we have tracked the almost impossible Jones family history and possibly, found photographs of our client’s birth mother …. (c) we have thrown ourselves back into networking and already have some potential new team members …. plus (d) we have contracted several new client projects.

During the planning stages of the Ontario Genealogical Society Conference, I recommended that we introduce the Who Do You Think You Are? concept of ‘Ask The Experts’, but with a difference. Experts were provided with an outline of the attendee’s requirements for research assistance and each individual was given a 30 minute appointment. So many wise experts offered their time (freely) and the feedback was very positive.

Globe trotting and helping other genealogy obsessives seems to do me good – focuses the mind and rejuvenates the system. How do I get the opportunity to travel so widely in my work, you may ask?? Because apparently, I am an expert in the field. However, more importantly, people say that I am passionate about what I do. I have so many tales to tell about work we have completed over the years, I can share all sorts of tips, suggestions and ‘tricks of the trade’ to help other people develop their own research skills and progress their research into their own family histories.

What more could anyone ask for? An extremely rewarding job which also allows for world travel…. Good job I have a good travel agent in Silver Compass!

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