It is nice to be….

24 June 2015

…. important, but it’s more important to be nice! So said John Templeton…. and it sure helps in business. The team here at FWL has grown substantially over the past six months. Lots of people would love to ‘do what we do‘, but not every family historian/genealogist makes a good ‘Heir Hunter’. Not everyone has the right attributes to join the team either…. We don’t go in for the ‘hard sell’ approach, like some of our competitors. FWL has solid foundations and is built with honesty and integrity as the core values.

I have had the ‘pleasure’ of liaising with five different companies – some large and well-known and some small and previously unknown (to me) – over the past few weeks whilst administering estates. To say that my experience varied enormously would be an understatement. Trying to speak to the case manager within one company was akin to jumping through hoops and I actually said to the person on the end of the telephone, “Would you like my birth date, mother’s maiden name and inside leg measurement?” He told me that he was asking so many questions to ensure I was not a ‘prank caller‘ – nice, when I introduced myself as the MD of a company THEY HAD WRITTEN TO!

Another individual sent me the contract and identification for his client. Sadly, the name ID was a copy birth certificate and the address was apparently going to be proved legally by a letter inviting his client to a medical appointment. Sorry – neither of these items are acceptable by our solicitors or the solicitors at the Government Legal Department. I could continue, but I will refrain.

Ever since FWL was founded – even when we have had a bad day in whatever sense – we pride ourselves on our customer service and dedication. Perhaps that’s why we sign cases against some of these other companies…..

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