A day of two halves

26 November 2015

…. with a few battles! I am not the biggest fan of London. It’s a nice enough place with lots of stuff to see and do but getting into and out of London always seems to be fraught with problems. The first one being parking at the local train station….!

Let’s start at the beginning though. Normally, I travel from Swindon to London Paddington. New plan: depart from Chippenham. Why? Every time I travel from Swindon station in the week, I have a devil’s own job trying to park. Guess what? Chippenham is no different! Round and round in circles, with random comments about other driver’s inability to park in the spaces provided and finally, a space appears. Reasonably wide as well!

ROYou are probably wondering why I am in London and it may have crossed your mind to consider which record office/archive/repository I might be frequenting. Well, let me tell you, whichever one you were thinking about, you are wrong as I am not here to do any research actually. It’s a trip for pleasure rather than business. I will (by the time you read this blog) be in Covent Garden, watching a show (avec Ma & Pa FWL).

The FWL office has therefore been in various locations during the course of the day. The office itself, the train and then two establishments with Wifi so that I could continue my normal work without interruption. It’s amazing how, as soon as I am Wifi-less, it feels like my right arm has been severed from my body.

This evening’s return to the homestead will be very late. Couple that with the need to be out of the house and in Bath by 6:30am tomorrow and I think I will be very grateful to see Friday evening and a sofa! Eek! Being MD@FWL is all fun and games…. And the week doesn’t stop there as Saturday’s diary sees several meetings, one to talk about our recently advertised administrative assistant role. Exciting times!

[Watch out for some crazy name finds blogs over the next few days – we have a fair few to share with you!]

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