Here endeth….

30 November 2015

…. my working day! No kidding…. Sunday, for some, is a day of rest. Not for me….

The amount of paper I have shifted today is quite unbelievable – estate accounts, administration documents, letters to beneficiaries and heaven alone knows what else…. I am done! It is way past the witching hour and the ‘to-do’ list is still long. To those hoping for an email from me today, my congratulations or apologies. Undoubtedly – because I am OCD – if you have not received an email, you are on the list, though you may not quite have achieved ‘top position’. The list is god, however …. so fear not.

It is too-few-days until that event in December and we (Team FWL) are desperately trying to push estates forward to get them paid out before Christmas. As I have mentioned already, we also have an enormous number of family history binders to create in the next few weeks and a further order is going in with S&N Genealogy Supplies in the morning. If you are still looking for a special gift, it’s not too late, though time (and wo/man power is running short)! Gift vouchers were very popular last year and we can certainly provide them, if desired/required….

You may well ask why I am up so late….? Well, as MD@FWL, I wear many hats across the globe and several hat wearing missions involve meetings at rather ungodly hours for me (GMT). All very worthwhile though and sometimes, I even talk sense at midnight and on….! Well, maybe others will say different!

The Post Office team in Calne (home of FWL) might well fall off their perches in the morning…. More mail than I have created in many months! Some letters still to be written although I feel, at this time of night, the morning might be a better time to write them! Bonne nuit!

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