Fame at last

22 December 2015

The title was almost ‘I’m so excited…. because I am! Yesterday, my first television appearance was aired…. in Canada! (Quite apt!) I personally consider that I have a great face for radio and that television is not quite ‘my bag’. However, I am (surprisingly) quite pleased with the end product of my appearance on Who Do You Think You Are? (Qui Etes-Vous?) with Marc Hervieux. Filmed several months ago now in the wilds of Wiltshire, to see all the different angles, shots, conversations etc. being collected into a succinct segment of television is amazing. Even the laptop I am typing from is now famous!

Unfortunately, the episode is only available to view in Canada but, if you are so inclined, let me know (via email or our contact form) and I can hopefully help you to find a way of viewing the programme. I have to say that I have never wanted to ‘be famous’ in this field – happier to ‘make a mark’ than to be famous – but I was delighted to be able to connect Marc to his Wiltshire roots. His enthusiasm and desire to know more about his ancestry was infectious on the day and made filming a lot of fun!

When I was much younger, I dreamed that one day I would be a famous musician. Now, I hardly play and I was never of a high enough calibre to play on the big stages, ever! For years, I trained as a chemical physicist at the University of Reading. How is that useful to me now? Some would say that the research techniques used in the application of science are not too dissimilar to the techniques used in family history research! [Hence why many genealogists discuss projects prior to developing a thorough research plan …. so they are on the ‘same page’ with matters and know what is required/achievable on the project!]

Never one to blow my own trumpet, I am ‘so excited‘ and this is just the first of many television appearances it would seem! Watch this space in 2016! Fame at last …. of a sort!

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