I am a survivor! But heavens, how did I survive? I have done the A to Z blogging challenge before but this year seemed so much harder…. we are certainly busier than ever, but time has always seemed to be too short when it came to getting the relevant letter written up! I promised myself that we wouldn’t be writing each day and we would get ahead. Well, that worked with my involvement in society A-Z blogs but for FWL, it didn’t work quite so well!
Although writing six days out of seven each week has been difficult, it has been wonderful to read the blogs written by others across the globe, with wide and varied categories from genealogy to fields including travel, poetry, photography, education and so much more. I haven’t even scratched the surface and I wonder if I ever will. I have had to be focussed otherwise we would not have shifted any work this last month.
In the past, the A to Z blogging challenge has been well supported on Twitter…. use the hashtag and your blog was frequently retweeted. Sadly, not so much this year but Facebook friends and comments on the individual blog posts were more evident. Maybe social media is changing …. are people using Facebook more now than Twitter? I wonder…. I didn’t post on LinkedIn or Google+ but if I did the challenge again, I might consider those channels, as I spotted others using them to promote their blogs.
Would I do the A-Z blog again? I think there is more chance than the probability of me running the London Marathon …. you get my drift! And so now we move to May’s workload…. How is it May? The first third of the year has just flown past. Soon it’ll be Summer, whatever that is in England! With a hint of jealousy, I have been watching a few dozen posts about friends going to NGS in Fort Lauderdale. Note to self: book for 2017!