A crazy 24 hours

15 June 2016

We have some fairly interesting 24 hour periods at FWL, but this last set features pretty highly on our Top Ten Bonkers List. Before the week began, our Bonkers List was pretty well-versed, I kid you not! However, expectations of clients, challenging tracing issues and some random networking experiences have catapulted today into the realms of stardom.

What makes life entertaining at FWL? Frankly, there are so many answers to that question! Diverse is just the start and so, every single day is different for each and every individual member of the team, from administrative assistant to me, the MD. As many regular readers will know, we are members of an awesome networking organisation, namely 4N. We have been members of other groups and visited many over the years. Some work for us, some don’t. 4Networking does as it gives us the opportunity to travel and spread the word about FWL. OK, so the TV programme did a good job but, unless you knew to watch BBC1 at 11am on Thursday 26th May, why would you?

Sometimes, in our job – in the Heir Hunting field – we find that we are ‘in it’ with many other competitor firms. We have often talked about how to set ourselves apart from others. OK, so there are a few secrets to our mission (of course) but, in the last 24 hours, we have heard some frankly astonishing attempts to belittle other firms in the profession. One company quoted a commission rate of 13% more than us and had the audacity to say that the beneficiaries should be “cautious of other firms charging less”! Seriously? Cautious, how?! That they will recoup 88% instead of 75%? I know which percentage I would want to walk away with!

We (the professionals) have talked about the need for regulation in this field for years. Heir Hunting firms (often start-ups, with no team/employees) appear and apparently profess to do what we (and other large companies) do? Hopefully, in the short-term future, regulation will come into effect so that the public can see through this situation and choose a reputable company to act for them in these (intestate) matters. We are hoping – against all hope. Maybe 2016 is the year?

Visiting another networking group today, I was more than a little surprised at the format. Not quite what I expected from the meeting and hence, I probably won’t attend again. I have never felt that way after an event but there is always a first time, and there are certainly lessons to be learnt (for me) for the future.

Nearly over the hump of the week, folks. What are your weekend plans? We are feeling some crazy find blogs…. watch this space!

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