Behold …. modern day excitement!

22 July 2016

Behold, exciting news! Car Number 1 – as in, the normal set of wheels – has returned to FWL Towers. Having been driving around in a rather gutless ‘Festa’ (as the key fob said!), I could not have been more delighted to have ‘Ronnie’ back. In two weeks, it would seem I have become more accustomed to my new vehicle than I realised. ‘Ronnie’ has six gears and the Festa had five with reverse gear in the same place as 6th in Ronnie – you can imagine the minor challenges today. My ability to park in a larger vehicle was also mildly embarrassing…. hmm….

‘Ronnie’ has had trips to the Post Office (two) and a trip to Goughs to swear (not that kind of swearing) and do all our certified copies for the week. She is all shiny and back to her usual self (although with slightly different parts from those which I left her with when she was recovered). My trusty steed is back by my side….

Last night, we (me and the Festa) returned from London. Well, we travelled there first in the late afternoon and managed to circumnavigate a small portion (mileage-wise) of the M25. However, time-wise this took a lot longer than it should have done. With the ‘West Middlesex Family History Society‘ Chair hat on, I took the lead on a Family Medical History evening event with speakers from within the membership of the society. With discussions from small pox to polio, the past to the future, it was a meeting with a difference. A really warm evening (in every way) and the air conditioning and various conversations on our route back to Wiltshire were all much appreciated (Mr FWL, Ma & Pa FWL, two members of the FWL Team and a client!).

A small concern arose at Junction 15 of the M4. 25 miles of fuel left in the tank and the clock nearing 11pm. Whilst there are three fuel stations in Royal Wootton Bassett, I was unconvinced that any would be open post-11pm. However worse still, the six mile stretch of M4 between Junction 15 and Junction 16 saw a loss of 20 miles of fuel. So, on leaving at Junction 16, we had five miles of fuel in the tank. The first fuel station was closed. Lights off. Nobody in.

Those who know me, know that I am pretty calm, most of the time. In this instance, mild panic set in and pictures were forming in my head of me and the Festa marooned in Royal Wootton Bassett waiting for fuel in the morning. Thankfully, the second fuel station saved our lives and with three miles left in the tank, £15 of fuel was duly purchased along with the last bottle of diet coke. Clearly my lucky day….

New client work has come pouring in again today from France, Ireland and England with continued connections being made as a result of the Family Finders show in May…. still! Busy weekend ahead…. Weekend off work? What’s that all about….?! Too much fun to be had with FWL work!

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