It’s a Bank Holiday weekend

17 April 2017

On Thursday (the new Friday), there was (apparently, as I wasn’t there) a sweepstake about how many people would get in touch with our offices over the Bank Holiday weekend. The bets ranged from ‘five or six‘ to ‘north of 20‘ and the ‘north of 20’ bet won….

We, as a company, like to make ourselves as available as much as possible. In the past, we have commented on the fact that it’s useful to be available ‘after hours’ as, in our line of business, people cannot always talk during their working day. The extended working hours at FWL work for us and for our clients. However, there is a limit.

Over the Easter weekend, we set automated replies on our Facebook page and emails. Why? So that people know that we have received their communication, we inform them of our opening hours during this week and let them know when they should expect a reply. Most people accept that but some people message us on various channels and clearly expect/need a reply. Other people call the office telephone number and expect someone to pick up their call. But it’s Bank Holiday!!?

Clearly, if we have made an arrangement with someone that we will provide an update/call them this weekend, that’s completely different but the expectation that we are available 24-7….? Acceptable or unacceptable? Yes, there is the argument that we don’t have to answer the telephone or reply to the rather aggressive Facebook messages but then, we provide excellent customer service and so, if someone on the team sees the message, or their telephone rings, we will oblige.

Thank you Facebook, Twitter, the Internet and email, for making us omnipresent …. I think.

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