In April last year, I sat on the train platform at Birmingham International after Who Do You Think You Are? Live and I thought…. Next year….. it’s time for Family Wise to exhibit. So, I investigated the costs (with Immediate Media) and began vaguely hatching a plan. And then, the event was cancelled. RIP WDYTYA? Live. Plan B.
@HistoryLady2013 and I have travelled to RootsTech in 2016 and 2017 and so, I thought, why not exhibit in SLC? Why not, indeed? A few conversations later and there we were, bronze sponsoring. Up front and centre. Had I ever exhibited anywhere? Well, no, unless you count representing charitable/not-for-profit organisations at smaller events over the years. Do I know what is required? Frankly, no.
Anyway, how hard can it be? I can now tell you the answer to that. VERY! Here I am sat at Heathrow Terminal 3 ready to go. I have checked in two suitcases (getting those across London on the underground was entertaining!) and have a raft of boxes waiting at the UPS store in downtown SLC.
Challenges along the way? Display graphics …. I have the design skills of a rampaging bull. Literally no idea. Creativity is my forte but not in terms of 3m graphic designs. However, N3 Design and Graphics managed to put together our ideas and create the most amazing display. Oh! Did I say, display? I meant DISPLAYS. A few weeks ago, I was talking to some friends who are also exhibiting at RT2018 and we were discussing the size of the booths. I wondered why their booth was the same size as ours, but yet we were sponsoring. “No Kirsty, you have four 10 x 10 booths”. Cue much hilarity and a second display graphic design!
We get ordering. A good friend designs our brochures and then we come up with the cunning plan to print them in the US. Brilliant apart from their paper sizes are different! We come up with loads of marketing plans and have lots of things printed/produced and mailed to us. Will they arrive on time? Some yes, some no! Will there be any problems? Yes, but all resolvable. My phrase of the moment – “It’ll all be fine!”
And so far, so good. We are now about to fly. See you on the other side. LAX first and then onward. Today will be a long day for #TeamFWL #FWLonTour.
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