Family Wise Locked-Down, Not Locked-Out

14 May 2020

Hello all! I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy during these difficult times. Lockdown certainly has been tough on us all in so many different ways. Fortunately, at Family Wise we are blessed to have an incredible team of dedicated people pulling together and supporting one another 24/7…. and I literally mean that. Like the rest of the world, the majority of our genealogist team has turned digital whilst we are all working from home and using the available technology to make up for the lost face to face time. It certainly hasn’t been easy, and we’ve even had people joining the team right as lockdown started, so they’ve never even been to FWL HQ!

What this has shown us that whilst it is a tough time on all of us, getting work and research done is not impossible. I’ve found myself picking up so many more tasks and duties in my day to day, that I’ve never done before – like ‘Frankie’ the franking machine! Frankie and I had never really met before lockdown, and I can safely say I’m looking forward to lockdown lifting and not having to do the copious amounts of send-outs with Frankie again!

Whilst we’re all adjusting to the ‘new normal’ I’ve been fortunate enough to have some incredible opportunities to work with different partners in producing new content for all of you ‘genealogists to be’ out there, and perhaps some of you more experience genealogists, through Live Events and blog writing. If you feel like you’ve hit a bit of an inspiration or research slump, have no fear, Kirsty is here… Socially distanced, of course!

I have teamed up with Vivid-Pix, alongside many other world leading genealogists, to deliver live events to give you the ins and outs of genealogy as a part of the ‘Round Tuit’ series. I recently presented with Vivid-Pix on ‘British Genealogy’, which as you can imagine is a huge topic brimming with information, so there will undoubtedly be more events in the future to cover the really nitty gritty bits. If you’d like to check out the recording of my presentation, as well as the presentations by the other speakers, you can do so right here for only $1.99.

If your thirst isn’t quite quenched by the great content available in the ‘Round Tuit’ series, you will definitely want to check out the Legacy Family Tree Webinars website. I’ve worked with Legacy Family Tree Webinars since as far back as 2014 and during that time I’ve covered an array of topics over the years from “Burials and Burial Ground of England and Wales” all the way up to one of my more recent webinars “How to trace your UK ancestry” – perfect for all beginner and budding genealogists.

So, while we can’t be out and about, rummaging our way through piles of documents, visiting cemeteries and other sites like we desperately want to, it doesn’t mean we should just be sat there scratching our heads wondering what to do next. We should all take this precious time we’ve been given to brush up on our skills and transform ourselves into the best genealogists we can be – Which can be done!

If, however any of you lovely people out there are hitting some brick walls and think you need a helping out, get in contact with the Family Wise team today – we’re always here to help.

Kirsty Gray

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