From the MD, CEO and Founder

19 September 2022

It has been a very long time since I wrote a blog. Why, you ask?

When I first left my day job in 2013, my trusty website designer and website wizard said, “Kirsty, you must blog every day to build knowledge of Family Wise Ltd in the genealogy community.” He most certainly was not wrong. I blogged avidly every day for years and years. People who I knew of within the geneaworld (hat tip to Jill Ball’s GeneaDictionary) suddenly found me and Family Wise, as if by some kind of geneamagic.

I would search for crazy things in vital records – Santa, Angel, Reindeer and such like at Christmas time, and more besides – and I made some fascinating and hilarious discoveries! Over time, my geneaprofile grew and, before the madness of the last few years, I was lucky enough to travel widely and speak on numerous stages the world over (indeed, some at sea). My blogs became less frequent but, on my travels, I would write about these conferences and events, to educate the Family Wise blog readers about the genealogy world out there – out there, but generally only available for those able to (a) afford to and (b) physically travel to them. In the last few years, the virtual doors have opened, and events have become more accessible no matter where people are located and what disabilities they may have, which may have made events inaccessible to them previously.

A lot has changed since Family Wise was founded in 2012. One has become nearly forty. Home has become High Street. However, consistency has remained throughout – our core values of ethics, honesty and transparency persist. We have attained an enviable reputation within the realms of family history, genealogy, heir tracing and people finding, with the highest Google and Bark rating in the industry. We work unimaginable magic at times, and we find people other firms cannot.

So, returning to the original question, why has it been such a long time since I personally wrote a blog? Mostly as my magic is required elsewhere within the business, to be honest. The magic which cracks the uncrackable. The magic which teaches others the wizard skills to do the same on future occasions. The magic which finds clients the answers to seemingly unanswerable questions.

I hope to write more (and encourage others to do so) over the forthcoming months. What would you like to hear about from us here at Family Wise? Let us know your thoughts!

– Kirsty Gray

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