A Nightmare: Testator’s Books Everywhere

22 October 2024

In 2019, Reggie Battershaw passed away. He had left a Will, but the executor (a charity) was unsure whether they would administrate, given the challenge. There was a full garage worth of books and other paraphernalia held in storage. The testator had been a teacher and something of a hoarder. Very little had been thrown away. We represented Reggie’s cousin and quickly found out from the local authority about the challenging items in storage.

One of the items was this characterful bear, who was apparently made in life-size proportions to the larger-than-life testator. The charity elected to renounce probate, and we were able to ensure that Reggie’s books were appropriately rehomed, pecuniary legatees (including the charity) paid, while ensuring that the council were not out of effect from the items being held in storage for too long.

Got an estate which is eating time and money? Perhaps we can assist? Get in contact today and see how we can help.

Teddy bear with a green jacket and red trousers
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