OK …. I’ll let you down gently. This is nothing to do with the television series, the magazine or the live show. If you were hoping for that, I’d close this internet browser window now. It’s a question to you, the readers….
Who do you think you are? Me…. well, I am Kirsty. I am a partner, a friend (to many), a daughter and a cat (two), car and home owner. I am the Managing Director of FWL. People tell me that I give my time to others before thinking much about me and am dedicated to many causes. I pass on my knowledge to young people and adults alike and relish the opportunity to enthuse others about subjects close to my heart.
I am also the Chair of one international not-for-profit organisation (The Surname Society) and Secretary for another (The Society for One-Place Studies). In order to work effectively in each of these roles in life, I have to alter my persona and the way I interact with others. Kirsty the MD is not the same person as Kirsty the Chair and clearly, the role of Secretary is a very different position to that of Chair. Some people say it’s hard to change your personality/your character traits. I say, codswallop. It’s not hard and it’s really important if you are going to get on in life. If it matters enough to you, you’ll do it and you’ll find a way. If it doesn’t, then you’ll find an excuse.
Are you the same person you were ten years ago? I doubt anyone would answer “yes” to that question. So, even if you didn’t consciously change who you are, it happened. Ten years ago, I was Kirsty. I was a wife, a friend (to many), a daughter and a cat (two), car and home owner. I was a teacher. Not so different to today but many of my attitudes, actions and behaviours are hugely different now.
What would you change about yourself? Does it matter enough to change it? How will you find a way to do so?